WorldWide News
The New Norm
5/ 22/ 2020
Historic Times Require Historic Measures
We all are inter-twinned in the world economic scenario. Survival is the premier goal at this point. All customers are trying to make it through the end of the year, the end of the next
quarter, just getting to the end of the month. The critical nature of this delemma is such that none could have imagined in their wildest forecast.
Credit terms have been altered not only by customer demand but government edict–whoever thought this nation would face that. Understanding the constraints issued by government is important in determining your company”s future. Albeit most restrictions are what companies would offer within reason (credit extensions, terms extended, relief from interest charges, partial payments on and on. This is the time the credit professional stands forward and proves the lessons learned over the years can save the day
CST WORLDWIDE has been involved in various outsourcing programs for over twenty years and those continue to evolve for the help of the credit professional. These times have created new possibilities which we can personalize for your firm. Calls for gentle reminders, recognition of website offerings to help customers, invoice/statement deliveries.
With most working from home or even upon return to the office many companies find reduced help allowed internally. CST WORLDWIDE can provide services to benefit your needs. We recently had a client who is sending out 50,000 invoices monthly and was charged to one individual with a home printer with getting those out. We were able to accept a file with the invoices and delivered to the customers within two days. Another client provided a portal for customers to allow for links to their accounts but had no way of contacting their customer base timely. CST WORLDWIDE did so within a week to which many signed up and started accessing the system.
Whatever your need CST WORLDWIDE will do its best to work to your benefit and provide new age alternatives.